HomeMy WebLinkAbout10PM40 - Parcel Mape47 Seer COMP. ND T,4G' 19 i—v �J —ev �sL %441 ��, t= :, . •cam, 8 L. x Rt'l. 4fa --7140.f RIPE, /i/O T.4G ® a. 7 ,C'T. s0 %5= OF COMP .47' 0,925 CC 6"Oe.. M,690 47' W. .932. fJ10� 0 0 Qk e N v N�. e � Qx0 �N ah o �h W �• LQ W m m� e (� e� OC e ,• o e. �a 20' 1 0 a PARCsEL A AW 5.88 ACRES 0 4i /O F% IRP16AT /.ON � 5 ' 0 5.375 O,P 423 969.57 5264 O,P /99 �a i" lrPOry - P /PE ON LINE NO T,46 sET MOW X7 cre. //4 //le COW' FD. /" I. f' /PE, NO T.QG - -7,xT so. 5:�f0..6FT. E /32 /, -17' N. 89 ° 47' X1.. MORV. ` -NOWTH L /NE OF THE v^ffs 114 OF Ti1,E AIZ!✓V. //4 aoc 5EC: 33 siE C.:Fz/•e11e r 8 4S. A-1. -�6 ex7 ,vcEz per./ Av ze.84 4CRPES /O. FT.^ 11P,e /GAT /DA/ EASEit�lErVT. (�,p4POSE`D 6.45 AIFZ L 20 F7 EA5E -1WENT OCC /DENTAL PETRO/EUr1r! TO PO of E Fore 4g4s CORPOR4 7 -ICW L INE- So46 OR 594 3916 are 490 O' \ — S'89SIE FO. BOLT .47° 1/4 C 9 sET MON I 0 ti W �4 �44N W v tl�41 211 V , a P. G, y'E. POIE ,4it/O f�Y /APES EIISEME�t/T 200 O.P .367; Z .COc471- a v Is xvEnrAw/N,97F e57-iP/R° DEEDED TO' CONTRA COSTA COUNT Y -7 �p SET .fi10it1. 3.�2.M� — 96'9 70 ` egg 1-32170' 7-UL E Z 44NE s 89' -5-11, E SOUTH L /NE OF N. W 114 OF SEC. 33 SET MOM. /0.0 200 20' Z �v oW h vV W� 4 W v Q ~3 �o Nt { `t PARCEL MAP OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF THE NORTIMEST ONE- QUARTER OF SECTION 33, T. 2 N. R. 3 E M D. B. B MI CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIF ptember 1969 C C Co. Y S. No. 135-69 scale / "- /00` Surveyed at the request of Mr F. W. Temps Surveyed by Jerry Thomas, LS 3014, Licensed Land Surveyor. MONUMENTS SET' 1- 112alron Pipe, plugged with concrete and b uss tag attached stamped L S. 3014, unless otherwise noted. BASIS OF BEARING- West line of Northwest 114 of Section 33, N. 0° 1920" E., as per Record of Survey filed June 21, 1943 in Boob 8 of L. S. Maps, poge 46. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This map was prepared by me or finder my direction and is based upon a field survey in conformance with requirements of the Subdivis& Map Act at the request of Mr. F. W. Temps in *t 1969 1 hereby certify that it conforms to the approved tentative xW and the auditions of approval thereof, that all provisions of applicable state krws rxf local ordM0 been complied with. o Z Jeri Thomas L. S. 30/ ist Lice d Land Survey fate of sEE ,SWYEY /N 8 L. so.. 4C FOR 1I4 sEC. L/rt/E L 0 C,4 7101V 4- Cir-D BOLT �i/,9Sr5/ER ,4T 114 114 Me COUNTY SURvf -rm S CERTIFICATE This nap fns been examined thrs—d— day of actober ,1969 for conformance with the requirements of Sedion 11575of the Subdivision Map Act. V W. Sauer Road fom .y Depdr Rood Commissioner- S%veyor RECORDERS CERTIFICATE Fi led y of ,1969 at A M in Book i of force/ Maps of page u6 of the request of Mr. F W. Temps W. T. Ausch County Recorder By Deputy County Recorder SHEET ONE OF ONE t o -- Ct -- f"4 liz a -.c+++ . 1 0- L1..c0