HomeMy WebLinkAbout10PM25 - Parcel MapLONE OAK ROAI> 60 PENNY MAIL AT COR. 43 Z.,9 Al 3/ PARCEL MAP OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN LOTS 207 S 213 OF 9RENTWOOD /RR /GATED FARMS SUED /Y/S /ON NO 5, S/ TUA TED IN THE EAST ONE HALF OF SECTION 12, T / N R 2 E, M. D. 9. 9 M., CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CAL /f w August 1969 Scale: I "= 60 C. C. Co. M. S. No. //3- 69 21.07 42F 499 y FD..19 .DEBAR MON.. fl2 .V8" 'Pf&4iP .� 26' N. d9* 40'.F- SET /LION. /D Icr 1,oFA' 16A7-10M XM0 0RAIWA67E 5.79 t� �P /GHT Gic."Y /d66 Oh 17 jtj� 'n /9 70 OR //4 Q �lk�� �'I �' ~ P�4/F'G'EL �4 a �, o J 89 .4cl-es 7471471 w + o J. 38 Acres &4pl �ti I 50 � � � � A �31•p.(� sET MOrt/ c, I N 89° 46 "E. ./2.76 -� ,560.84 SZ FT S'TiE' /P DEf> /CAT�'D TfJ N. e9° 46`� — �p ?B •1�9 N. B9 46 E. 532.8 - �. n, 001VrR4 COSTA COUNTY 9 4t 4 Q i 5 /P. 92 N. B9 46 �: C SET MOW Jr I . � � f'.4RCEL B �• J. 49 Acres Tofu/ 5 � 3.0® acres / ol/ * Ste- �Orci sET MOW I 2a 84 /V. 8.9 ° 46 E. .3&4.7-9 <5 /.cSAf. 3/ L.. ✓'� 1 % i ���`' 17 47.e 415 r MoNS L s.Xo/4 6.63 ', ic 429---t- Samyed at the request of Mr. Jack Mayhorfl Surveyed by Jerry Thomas, L.S. 3014 Licensed Land Surveyor MONUMENTS SET I • %2a Iron Pipes, plugged with concrete and Brass togs attached stamped L.S. 30141 unless otherwise noted. BASIS OF BEARINGS West line of Property, North, as shown on Parcel A, Record of Survey, filed November 17, 1966 in Book 45 of L.S. Maps, of pogo JL SURyEwls CERTIFICATE This map was prepared by me or under my cirectbn and rs based upon a field surrey in conformano with requirements of the Subdivision Mop Act at the request of Mr. click Mayhom in August 1969. / hereby certify that it conforms to the approved tentative mip and the conditiox of approval thereof, that of provisions of app /icab /e site lows acrd Ioco! ordinances have been complied with v OU 2S�' P� ENO ,� `'moo � Je y omasy �, .�o� ~ ,� Lens Land Serve sr 44M ROEL 2.341 ,acres ToLo/ N ®TE �• 2� acres N� R.�o p This is a redivision of Parcel A as shown on Record of Serve Ma filed Ab /7 a �?" r 1966 in Book 45 of L.S Nip.. at pp 3I, e- 4'4.37G� eA� s 45//09 E -70 Contra Costa Count Reords. � r .�- V.64 _�so�o At V d AW. 67 `ter 4.50 SfTWOW �/73.67 N. 89.46 E Cr CIXINTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Awl.:eeq 4 82.85 This map firs boon a vmined this f/ &y o{ rein , 1969 for �' CAP conformaxv with tle rWviremel& of Section 1!,575 of the Subdivision 20 - N RAD. N. 44°43'Gd "E t 55 G• Map Ad Z- ¢4.s7oW ��A GCS Y. W Sower t.,L= /..5.69 �.B F�. G• Abad Commi Inr7e S y 5 or . ti By • 127 ,44rl-es 75 -Aa'/ S j� Deputy and G'orimissibrer Surveyor A � D� ti //Q Woes /Vey'` �g iR 5T , � Cog SAT a R ®ERS' CERTIFICATE of � 03 F- ¢� 3 f R ® filed this duy of arrsf.,z,/50 at � �o x in 90t 5 I R o �� ®1� of Parcel Mops, of pagre � - of the request d Mr. l 19 p1 � Jack M horn Cd A9 C® °y 5T L ppD K T ftsch OOP County Reorder r . fo. 51a iPEf3,4R By MON. L. S. 3014 Duty Camty Reor r 4;5 4 SM 3/ SKEET ONE OF ONE a