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i /N Ti`�E l/T.f'9�lONCD,f�O, l0//N73'�LOrt/T,P.9 CD.STA, STATE of lAL/FD,PN/.9, M -0- c A PO.PT/ONo�'�OT3 ,PA�ET,PA�,� SUMO/li/S/ON /" X- Sly f ✓lIivE Al iy 47 ,P/1.Y,9'jyOLEs'�`/!�/l EiJ/G/iYEE.P SAN R0445ZO CDNlO.eO C�9!/FD.eN/A OOV17 2-�1110� Illill;(f II*1AOI 004\ A/ 3f'41 D.P Q4 141Iy g -16A'94 v -ef 115-515 m 41.5 L EGENO C14ry of �a�v�o,Pr� S/2?. sr.�e7l*7ea� E 4?42 f{U,B SET 0�GI�E /D?7�i SET r ,?.9G � �� 142% SU,P!/EYD.eS IE.PT�F/IfITE Th%s mao �uosP�eoo�d6yine oi��eimq deie��ior> o�d was �o�no�led�arn record osh�qllvina�o a1 Z. 5.l' o/ Pie s8 do4o'✓ams?B, i9`7 11.7 <oIOlai�o�<e �hC ie9airz�ine�/s ��/�e Sa6deaissa� ilk Ac/ a! f6t2'ydcs� D� Mi Z. Z;P-ewt;v ze%me/ on if G7. it o'o;�111w"tws !olhe a�o�oiovFeol 7?1.7l�«F AkO o�d fbB�a�d�f�a2s a�aPPivvo/�fier�vfi Elio/ o!/,oia�is�aizs ola00%a6la.srra� �¢ws and !oc¢/t+�di�oi���°s fiar���?,�Caarialra�'w��/r.141. �t l/TyEN6/rYEE.�S �EF/l,9TE h-is'T,in4a h�cs 6��� era�ni�edf/�is a / do/ o� i /967 �� �ar��oimo�ce with lfie �e9u�ra�ine��s a�SBc lon irs7s o� the SUbd«isi� /itv,�o LDS/Y10 .O. TEO�SCf�/ ClyZ;,o ��eer lixarU/�1,�r1214�L lOUQ/T.Y,PE�O.POE.PS IE.PT/F/l•9TE f/2do ���elord/iiisdoga/iyG�fj�� ire Baot�_LofPor� �/4os d 9eZZ7_, o� �l� ,Pi�floid.�,Po�dl�s G1�i9lTE,� T P,4�9SLf1 lDa�/y,P�loider �ori�iza lasEa l���y �1s;�v'rua o�,nv�yl B,qS/s OFBEl�,P/NGS Tfie Eosf�il�.Bou�ory �lhe Bel✓�deie,Po� S��i✓isia� iYiy °04'oo"E os �e�o�ded ool S4001- G, i9jy, iir Book ?3 orr S�dde�isio� �fgas ?Oyoes �7P o.�7z3. Sf/EET it/O, OiYEIJ OFDrYE'CiJ S.yEET 47S-