HomeMy WebLinkAbout79CR39CORNER RECORD APN [Yo. y94 -070 -074 -1 Document Number -3234-- dity of ALAMO Bounty of CONTRA COSTA , dalifornia Brief Legal Dedcription PARCEL A, MS 214 -78, 81 PM 18, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDS COORDINATES —� CORNER TYPE (optional) dovernment Glorner ❑ dontrol ❑ Meander ❑ Property Rancho ❑ Other ❑ Date of Ourvey MAY 26, 2004 N. _ E. _ Zone Elev. Datum Corner — Left ap found [K) Found and tagged ❑ Eptabliphed ❑ Reeptabliphed ® Rebuilt ❑ In compliance with 0ection 6771 of the Profeppionat Land Ourveyorp' Act, thip corner record ip being filed to EOTABLIOH / REESTABLISH the podition of an exipting monument PRIOR / OUBOEQUENT to ptreet or highway reconptruction. (Use this portion only when applicable.) Identification and type of corner found: Ndence uped to identify or procedure used to eptablish or reeptabliph the corner: USED EXISTING STREET MONUMENTATION PER MS 214 -78, 81 PM 18, TO LOCATE EXISTING CORNERS AND TO REESTABLISH THE MISSING CORNERS. A deycription of the phypical condition of the monument ap found and ap pet or repet: EXISTING STREET MONUMENTATION FOUND TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION. FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP, R.C.E. 19893 AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER PARCEL A. SET 5/8° REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP, L.S. 5678 AT THE NORTHWEST AND SOUTHEAST CORNERS OF PARCEL A, MS 214 -78, 81 PM 18, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDS. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT Thip dorner Record wap prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Land 7Ourve o rd' Act on June 14, 2004. J No. LS5678 � Exp.09/30/2005 %r Oigned Lo. or R.C.E. Number L.S. 5678 Q' 9TH o� COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT Thip dorner Record wap received 7 - Z— 20 Cl and examined Wiratiop and filed 20 U J l0 oigned Title Deputy dount�_eyor * Exp. 12 -31-04 No. 599: Q' County Surveyor's Comment 4p 15y o-70 - 071 gAijAC,B /CRbA�N.D�/fi) Pape 1 of 2 A i 10 z adnd Q r` do ,06"0 `8L99 Si` ♦9� >>` dd0 V 2IV93�1 13S ♦s I i O 0 ..( I 1-ry i 3AI8(1 aNVIAO` 1 828 6 i Z w' 8l Wd 18 i° 0 o m -- cz N v 13OHvd � (73 co 1 tog _4t i I0-) Iu X6866 3��1 jdn d� �Q 6 0 dVO �8 6VG38 aN3 dd0 z o / cN z . M �$0 � � -� o ' p 99SL 6 3.61.6Z.LSN PO NO-NOM . ' 9ARIQ QNV-IX -DV I