HomeMy WebLinkAbout38CR11CORNER RECORD Document Number -0975 City of 'W,4L"IJ7' CTZE�< County of CU/-/7Zq C=0S7 1 ,California Brief Legal Description LOT 2 ) S11,81P1 V1 5101`1 7247 11 3 41 V 3G CORNER TYPE Government Corner ❑ Control ❑ Meander ❑ PropertyX Rancho ❑ Other ❑ Date of Survey SHPT. 24-� 1997 N. E. — Zone Elev. COORDINATES (Optional) Datu m Corner — Left as found ❑ Found and tagged ❑ Established ❑ Reestablished X Rebuilt ❑ Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablish the comer: FOLIND 57A1,1Z?A9D 57'ZZEE7 Iy101lUMEJ47 57,4MPED KCB 2907? AS 561QVVA1 01-1 MAP OF Q.5DIVISID14 724.7 341 lvf,4P5 PAGE 3�. St-=-r 20RoPE�F-7Y L / /4E: AS PER SAID MAV A description of the physical condition of the monument as found and as set or reset: MONLIMEWS E611"b 164 5400.D c0"017'14 l)Ak 5 l � L E�G E7"Z> 2 cn,' 2 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Land Surveyors' Ad on Signed 22!:!�-e� L.S. or R.C.E. Number l..S 3374 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received -16 19,and examined and filed — 197g— Signed Title i County Surveyor's Comment PWA -102 18/88) Page 1 of 2 EARL S1 ACRAY 3874 .,5-'p 6 -30 Exp. lZ 1 /�00 SEAL No. 59% CAL 38 CR 11 ■■■■� m ■�� MEN■■■MEN■MEME■MENEEMENM ■■■■■■■■■ ■E ■■■■OM , ■ ■ ■NE■■■■■ '■■■■E ■■NRAM ■E / ENO ■MM ■■ ■ ■E■ ■■■■■ r..Vm- -! C.N.■ENE , MEMO= MO ■■ ■■K ■■.N■■■ a■. NEON • MENM■�NMEMN►I ME NONE NONE ,, �. PIREW — c�.M ■� N EMEN MEN SEEM �M■■E ,NON EME ■ ■ No ■NEN` E ■ ■0 ■� NMMN lMMMMMlMmM ■E■ M■ ■ ■■M MENNNE BEM ■OM ■E■■ MO n ME ■N■■ •CAE ■ ■■ ■■M■ ■M ■E ■MME � ` MN �■Mi ENN NNE■■■■■ ■MME �. � ■�■■■ �Ni 1MMMMME "MN ■■ M ■� �■■ MOE ME N■N ■E ■MEM ■ MEM MOM ; I N' WE _MM `� y ■■N■N■N■ ■NNNNE�M■ !M ■ ■ ■M/M ■■ NONEE ME NEON MN ■■OMEN - - ���- �� ■■■■ �f ■ON ■MNM ■NMO■■ ■� M ■MME ■■M■EMOMENE UM IINE ]EM■MEN MNONE ■ ■MEMO ENO ° - _ _ _ • - , _ �. Iii ISEMEM m MME - - EN �M■ EM■ MIN■M ■MME ��N■ ■■ N-�i��• = M ■MOM■ ■■ NMI a ME ENNE■E■■NEM■■M■■MENOM 'R MEN MONO ■ MEM MEM■MEMN i iiF� i ■1 � ME No ME NOM■M■M■EENSWUME�iM�E■ MEMO N ■O ■M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■M ■ ■ ■EMEEEEM ■ ■ONNE NM■ NEON E■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■NEON M ME Page 2 of 2 J % ��