HomeMy WebLinkAbout254CR23i Agency Index S Document Number 12130 City of CONCORD County of Brief Legal Description MONUMENT WITHINTERRAZA DEL SOL REFERENCE APN 110-490-065 SUBDIVISI( ❑ Government Corner ❑ Meander ❑ Rancho CONTRA COSTA California N 4004 LOT 10 BLOCK 4 131 M 4C COORDINATES (Optional) N. E. ® Control Elevation ® Property Units ❑ Metric ❑ U.S. Survey Foot ❑ Other Horizontal Datum Zone Epoch Date Date of Survey 08123/20 44 Vertical Datum ❑ Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 ❑ Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref;. ❑ 8765 (d) - 8771 ❑ _ 8773 ❑ Other: Corner/ ® Left as found ❑ Established ❑ Rebuilt ® Pre -Construction Monument: ❑ Found and tagged ❑ Reestablished ® Referenced ❑ Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: ❑ See sheet #2 for description (s): FOUND 3" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCH STAMPED "CITY OF CONCORD CONTROL STATION" IN MONUMENT WELL FOUND AND SET POINTS AS SHOWN ON PAGE 2. THIS POINT WAS REFERENCED PRIOR TO A CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IN THE VICINITY. THE TIES SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PERPETUATING FOUND MONUMENTATION. NO CLAIM IS MADE AS TO THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE POINTS OR LINES SHOWN HEREON TO TRUE BOUNDARY LOCATION. 24228-CR-02 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with SCOTT V. CUNHA the Profe775 eyrs"Act on AUGUST 27 2024 No. 8525 Signed P.L.S. 8525 V. CUNHA A. or COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received T ` and examine and filed QQ Signed Title County Surveyor's Comment \ \ 0 b— QU BPELSG-2016 Page I oft Document Number 12130 I Index S M L u r 24228-CR-02 6i FOUND 3" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCH STAMPED "CITY OF CONCORD CONTROL STATION" U) SET 1" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCH STAMPED "RP PLS 8525" IN CURB l 3S6 REFERENCE STREET ADDRESS 0 15 30 60 Feet SCALE: 1 r = 30' NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS IN US SURVEY FOOT AND DECIMAL THEREOF 110-480-001 110-500-025 2053 129°57'�1,, 110-490-066 w" cID 2067 110-500-026 Ey 3 •BN 20 3 0 a gp M 110-500-027 "' 110-490-065 2053 205 129 °S7'21 " 110-490-064 110-500-028 `J 206 2053. ca J q 110-490-063 206 110-500-013 zo�� 110-490-062 joss BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2